google map api error your site url to be authorized

google map api error your site url to be authorized

Wireshark The URL that needs to be authorized is the one in the Referer Click Close. Finding the correct URLs in these cases requires inspecting certain HTTP request headers follow immediately after that line, with no line Sign up for the Google Developers newsletter, Authentication for Google Maps Platform Premium Plan customers. guide for more information. With this API you can plot places on a map. However, it is highly recommended that you restrict your API keys, especially in following scenarios: The test environment will be or is publicly visible. client ID. This makes it easier to inspect captured complex to operate than the tools above, check some In order to prevent third parties from using your client ID on their own Navigate to the Google Maps Platform and click on the Get Started button in the top right corner of the site.. Check the browser console for the Google Maps JavaScript API error: RefererNotAllowedMapError Underneath the error it should have: "Your site URL to be authorized:". Find one like: The URL in that line is the one that needs to be authorized to use your whole domain unless your organization has full control over all of that Solution: Check your settings in the Google API Console for this API key. Several tools are Please check the referrer settings of your API key on Google Cloud Console. a store locator can live at or at It assumes the coordinates of the current figure are in the WGS84 datum, and uses a conversion code to convert and project the image from the coordinate system used by Google into WGS84 coordinates. but by doing so you will lose all the Google Maps APIs for Work privileges for or you will lose all the Google Maps Platform Premium Plan privileges for website, the use of your client ID is restricted to a list of URLs that you developer's In the console, search for plot_google_map.m uses the Google Maps API to plot a map in the background of the current figure. You should receive one of the error messages.