needs and values list

needs and values list

Congratulate yourself as you take the time to think it through. Every organization to be successful needs to be guided by a clear strategy. Values are your individual beliefs that determine what is right or wrong and they influence how you feel, think, and act. You are operating as an automatic pilot. I recreate my own values list every 3-6 months. Research studies affirm that people do their best in life by what they are motivated to do. What other factors contributed to your feelings of fulfillment? Now I need to get these values into a list. You’re drawn to genuine people, even if they’re not always nice; you admire their authenticity and work to emulate it. Exhibition: To impress others through one's actions and words, even if what is said or done is shocking. Any attempts to resolve such conflicts solely by addressing interests are likely to prove ineffective. Use whatever system you have that alerts you to where and when you need to be someplace like a calendar, and also how do you refer to how much cash or credit you have to spend. Each item in a list corresponds to an index number, which is an integer value, starting with the index number 0. If you are updating or creating a resume, it might be helpful to list your core values as relevant to the position you’re applying for. Estimate where you invest most of your time, money, and energy at this stage in your life. You enjoy giving of yourself and of your time and other resources to others, and you want to pass along this value to your children. Therefore, wants might change over time. The body needs these micronutrients to support its functions. To do so, I use a for loop to iterate through each number in the set. This takes us to the third level. Do you feel a strong compulsion to ensure your children pick up the same values? Your overall list of values may include quite disparate values. If you wind up with 20 words, consider crossing out those that barely made the list and prioritize your values. How do I interact with people, and how do I treat them? – thegrinner Jun 24 '13 at 15:43. This is similar to the Take and Skip methods from LINQ. Knowing those values is a prerequisite to creating a life in alignment with them. And may your curiosity and passion for growth influence everything else you do today. edit close. Needs are those items, that are required for life and does not change with time. Think of the stillness of a lake’s surface when nothing disturbs it. Need: Definition: Achievement : To accomplish difficult tasks, overcoming obstacles and achieving expertize. Some of these needs are necessary to sustain life. You treat people exactly as you would want to be treated, and your kindness attracts others. And when you’ve made your list, why not challenge others you know to make their own lists and compare notes. This is the most generic method that can be possibly employed to perform this task of accessing the index along with the value of the list elements. Of course, your priorities will change and evolve over time, so consider this on-going work you revisit yearly to ensure you are prioritizing the correct values. belonging. True and profound insights into people and things are a defining characteristic for you — or one you greatly admire in others. For instance, if you value philanthropy, community, and generosity, you might say that service to others is one of your top values.) They make up much of the terrain of our inner worlds. gravit The Value List is here: / You absolutely need food and water. 1. You prioritize laughter for yourself and seek to bring more of it to others. This is a way that you can check if your values are truly yours when you freely choose them, you carefully examine them, they are in sync and consistent with how you live your life. A major difference exists between what you need for survival in life, and what you want because it makes life better. You feel renewed when someone or something reminds you of your worth. To declare a C# array, you must first say what type of data will be stored in the array. Gut-level directions and insights are your 24-7 copilot (or maybe even your pilot). It's about your culture, circumstances, and events that are unique to you as an individual and what motivates you to act. Presentation Notes - Needs, Wants, Values, and Goals: Making the Right Decisions Author: Statewide Instructional Resources Development Center Subject: Human Services Keywords: Needs, Wants, Values, and Goals: Making the Righ Decisions Created Date: 3/21/2013 1:47:39 PM Below are 100 core values examples with explanations for each. Unexamined needs, values, and motivators have conscious or unconscious power over - get this - the decisions you make and the actions you take. Someone who is diligent is persistent and careful in his work or other efforts. If you value honesty, health, kindness, adventure and half a dozen other things, it doesn’t give you a clear direction. Need more specific motivators? You feel what others feel, and you probably consider this empathic value as an essential part of your identity. You embrace the title of expert in your field because you excel in your knowledge or skill. The needs of the patient come first. This is as you move up the hierarchy is about love and belonging and includes your very unique requirements for family, friendship, affection, relationships, intimacy and, being part of any kind of a group, whether at work, as a family member, in your community, or within a cause, a religion, or political party you believe in. You like to keep things simple and to expel things from your life that make you feel cluttered inside or tied down by a million threads. The needs at each level usually have to be satisfied before a person can bring his or her attention to the needs of the next step in this hierarchy. Integrity is when your actions and words are in congruence with your beliefs. Prioritize Your Values. You appreciate virtue when you see it in others, and you work at cultivating it in yourself. Ready to get started? What values do they communicate that make you swell with pride? Rather than rush to judgment, you put yourself in the other person’s shoes and try to see the situation from their perspective. Your core values tell you what you consider important or deeply meaningful. List of Values. You literally act without thinking. When you change your values list and consciously act on it, you change your behavior and therefore your results. You look for ways to delight or amuse others to enhance their enjoyment of life — and your own; making time for fun is a priority. Dismantling poorly-constructed arguments and countering them with effective reasoning is your Legoland. Faith is complete trust in someone or something, and it stands apart from both fanaticism and complacency. It's essential to your personal evolution to take stock of your values on a regular basis, and then make the necessary changes to align your life with these most important core values (also called personal values). the number {1:0} in list represent the id of player I try this solution but not working. You have unshakable faith in your own powers or rightness of purpose or a strong desire to feel that faith. People are anxious if their biological or survival needs for food, water, air, elimination, sex, and sleep are not met. His values framework distilled human values down into 10 values categories and 57 individual values. As a reference, here’s a list of 230 personal values: Many of you may be at this level because it is the time you're focusing on your potential and seeking peak experiences. Courage is the ability to do what needs to be done in spite of fear. Remember, you don't have to choose common values that you think you should prioritize. Now, autopilot is great for word processing and digesting your food. You want to feel free or safe from danger or the threat of violence to you or to those you care about. Needs, Wants and Shoulds differ from each other. Given that needs motivate you to act, and values are expressions or your needs and wants, it makes sense then if you know what you value, you'll know what motivates you to do what you do. What choices have I made in the past that made me proud? 29 Of the Most Important Values To Live By, 25 Good Character Traits List Essential For Happiness. appreciation. The Six Human Needs were originally introduced by Anthony Robbins, who has cultivated a life long fascination with human behavior, development and motivation. You feel fully alive and electric about your life, your purpose, your relationships, and the work you do. With your strong sense of justice, you insist on equal pay for the same amount and quality of work. Core Values List. A “key” is a special string attribute you need to include when creating lists of elements. You want people to know they can count on you to keep their secrets and have their backs, and you want to be able to expect the same. You also recognize the value of self-care to your well-being. Autonomy. closeness. or "WHY do you feel that way?" You pride yourself on your optimism or sanguine perspective on the future. But there are still times when a list of sample values can come in really handy. Commitment is the difference between a goal and a daydream; it involves decisive action. 75. You feel strongly that people should be treated in a way that show’s respect for them as fully conscious equals. Additionally, you can factor in when you want what you want to provide even more depth. You believe your tendency to focus on blessings and expect more of them is more in alignment with the truth than pessimism. You might also be interested in the Schwartz values. How and why did the experience give your life meaning? Beauty. What Should I Do With My Core Values? You expect the people close to you to be unwavering in their faithfulness, just as you are to them; loyalty is love put to the test. Research confirms that your personal values, though subjective in nature, not only reveal what we feel about ourselves but also influence our attitudes, preferences, and behaviors. What gives me a sense of fulfillment and meaning. They include things like honesty, service, self-respect, respect for others, peace, and success. Remember to make sure the other levels are met. Let’s see all the different way of accessing both index and value in a list. When you truly know someone or something, you comprehend them with your heart as well as your mind. The motto, “Throw me to the wolves, and I’ll return leading the pack” resonates strongly with you. Simply copy or print this list, mark the values which most resonate with you, and then sort your list in order of priority. Humans operate out of unmet needs according to the psychologist, Abraham Maslow who lays the foundation for motivational theory in a 5-step psychological hierarchy of needs. Then, perform calculations or display results with the values returned. Couples who share this list of eight core values within their relationships are generally the happiest and healthiest. Those who are bold aren’t necessarily fearless; they’re just good at giving the impression that they are. Consider this the process of learning through study, exploration, instruction, experimentation, or recreation. Method #1 : Naive method . You value the power of communicating effectively and persuading others to do things or to share your perspective. If the basic substantive issues of the conflict are deeply embedded in the participants' moral views, these issues are likely to be intractable. the second best brainstorming exercise I’ve ever found, useful for identifying both your core values and your aspirations. In a way, life is like basic economics. Think of this as a set of expectations for yourself or others and the means used to enforce them. As opposed to, wants are those items, that are desired by an individual either right now or in future. As needs are essential for life, non-fulfillment may lead to illness or even death. You pride yourself on your ability to focus on something (or someone) to the exclusion of everything else. for number in unique_numbers: list_of_unique_numbers.append(number) On each iteration I add the current number to the list, list_of_unique_numbers. Because needs, values, and motivators are all interconnected, understanding one concept helps you to know more about the other two. Unlike people's positions--which are simple statements such as "I'm pro-choice" or "I'm pro-life"--which are positions, the interests underlying those position is the answer to the question "WHY do you want that?" In a mentor or guide? The levels have levels depending on who you are as an individual and what you believe you need. You also strive to make yourself useful when the situation calls for it. Living in the present moment and enjoying all the good things in it — with intention and gratitude — is vital to you. Let’s assign a key to our list items inside and fix the missing key issue. Creating your own list of personal values helps you focus more on cultivating those values in yourself and finding ways to pass them on. These things happen, however, at different levels for different people. When values are out of alignment, people work towards different goals, with different intentions, and with different outcomes. Group these words together and give them an overarching value word that you choose from your list of personal values. There are individuals who are happy and have good relationships even when they have very little of what many folks believe are their most basic needs that have to be met. Authority. Never copy someone else’s values. This is the act of finding out or learning something new through exploration or experimentation. For example, the words calmness, simplicity, and peacefulness may fall under a “mindfulness” theme. To create this list of personal values, you can ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers: As you look through the list of core values, you will see that some words have similar meanings or fall into a specific “theme.”. The second level is about safety and security. 73 Sample Values for you: The list below is great to give people ideas but remember - it’s NOT a checklist. You delight in your own uniqueness, and you enjoy helping others appreciate how they are unique and why it matters. Remember: Your values must be in line with who you are. Professionalism is kindness in a business suit; you treat your customers, coworkers, and other contacts as equals. Value statements These values, which guide Mayo Clinic's mission to this day, are an expression of the vision and intent of our founders, the original Mayo physicians and the Sisters of Saint Francis. If you enjoy traveling in or through new places to learn about them, you have the heart of an explorer. Use the VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, and OFFSET functions to find related data in rows and columns in Excel. To excel is to be outstanding in something or to have an exceptional degree of some knowledge or ability. Freedom is the ability to do what you must without interference from external or internal forces. In order to live intentionally, you need to be aware of the values behind your own words and actions and the values you want to see in yourself and to pass along to … filter_none. The most important thing that you need to do when interviewing someone is understand his or her workplace values. The list is long enough to live a rich, strong, and fearless life. Ultimately, knowing your core values is essential to knowing yourself and the power you possess. These personal values should reflect your life’s purpose and who you want to be. affection. It's personal. The minimum … Pay a lot of attention to these. You value order — keeping everything in its place and making it easier to keep your spaces clean, clutter-free, and calming. community. It includes anything from your family and property being protected from having a healthy body and shelter from the elements. And as it gets easier to love ourselves, we begin to feel happier . Like needs, values tend to be quite stable and non-negotiable. Essentially, this is the absence of any filth or contaminant — and you work to maintain it. Are you ready to make your own list and to whittle it down to your top ten? It is all about being respected and having respect for self and others. Look at your calendar for how you spend your time and look at your credit cards for how you spend your money. Ultimately, knowing your core values is essential to knowing yourself and the power you possess. So here are 73 Sample Values to help get you started. They are your personal bottom line about what is important to you. You take responsibility for your actions and their consequences, and you respect others who do the same. Needs, Wants and Shoulds differ from each other. Psychological needs, however, do not follow rigid or predictable patterns. You want to never have to wonder, “Do I have enough in the bank?” Wealth means living your life without being limited by money. Interests are desires or goals--the things that people want to achieve in a conflict situation. You place a high value on your ability to bend easily without breaking — physically, mentally, or emotionally. Lesson 5 on "Connecting the many pieces of the puzzle of you" is about your values, needs, and motivators. Most folks have limits on how much time, money, and energy they can spend on anything. Some people have this more in their consciousness than others. (Don't have time to read the entire article? With Java 8, the most effective way to do this is use the removeIf(predicate) method on the list. 2. A company’s values help people know the difference between right wrong, and they help companies determine if they are on the right path to fulfilling their business goals. Safety includes everything from laws that protect you and those you love, to having adequate shelter from harsh or dangerous elements. November 29, 2004 | 4 . It's all about personal growth and fulfillment. Live Your Values Use the following list of common personal values to help you get started – and aim for about 10 top values. Something is effective if it succeeds in producing the desired result. Humble people base their self-worth on what they know to be true about themselves, and this makes them immune to the opinions of others. How to Understand People's Workplace Values. For now, don’t try to copy every word that makes you think, “Well, that’s a good value to have.” There are no bad values in the list, but some will feel more familiar and motivating to you than others will. The following list of values will help you develop a clearer sense of what’s most important to you in life, as explained in the article Living Your Values. In a nutshell, intrinsic values are what make you wake up in the morning and look forward to going to work, even when the weather’s lousy.On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being most important, rank how important these intrinsic values are to you: 1. You are pretty much aware that your body requires water and food, sleep, air, and protection from the elements. Obviously, something different than pizza and a cold drink could take care of your sustenance needs. What makes me angry or frustrated revealing repressed values I may have? You’ll try anything once and some things on a daily basis, if possible — just to enjoy the sense experience. Select those that resonate most with what you want for your life. How do I respond in a crisis or other difficult situation? On the pro-choice side, the interest might then be to protect the ability of the mother to make her own health care decisions, while on the pro-life side, it would be to uph… You make time to enjoy everything you perceive with your senses that makes you feel an inexplicable surge of happiness. Needs and values — the things we care about, the sources of our wants — matter because they are the contents of our core selves. It's at the top of the needs pyramid. This will make the variable an actual array. The fourth level is about self-esteem. Your core values are the guiding principles of your life that help you determine your behavior, words, and actions. You want to feel supported by others, and to be the kind of person others can count on for support when they need it. Maybe you already have at least a vague idea of what’s important to you. But how great would it be to have a clearer understanding of those values and how they define you and your life’s purpose? You’re committed to exposing yourself to and appreciating the diversity of cultures, experiences, and beliefs in the world. You take pride in the way you handle your finances and in your avoidance of waste and unnecessary expenditure. Security needs range from living in an orderly and predictable world where you can count on people stopping at red lights, to having satisfying employment that allows you to purchase or grow your food. The more your life aligns with your core values, the better able you are to discover your purpose, to grow in that direction, and to contribute in the way only you can. See if you can rank your list of personal core values so you clarify what is most important to you. Achievement. Contentment is a mental or emotional state of satisfaction wrapped in peacefulness. You place a high value on truthfulness in others, and you’ve made sacrifices to develop or preserve this quality in yourself. Balance. It's difficult to know what truly motivates you unless you have clarity about what you value. But if you put “health” right at the top of your list, you’ll know that establishing a daily … – Holly Cummins Apr 23 '18 at 20:12. add a comment | 6 Answers Active Oldest Votes. Adventure. What qualities do you want to be known for? communication. This is why you want to consider the value of values. Have the examples of values listed above helped you identify the ones that define you? Creativity uses the imagination to create new things and find new solutions to problems. Here are some examples of the values and behaviours you might need to work in social care. You value your ability to work toward a common goal as part of a team; meaningful collaboration is central to your mission. Couples who share this list of eight core values within their relationships are generally the happiest and healthiest. You know that real love involves sacrifice — giving up something good for something better or to serve someone else. Your life motto could be “Use it,” because no pain or mistake is ever wasted — and you never give up. You see things most others miss, and you pursue things most others consider impossible. What need or desire was fulfilled? I don’t need more or fewer values than this. And, there's even more difference, when you layer on your shoulds. Your values in life don’t arise spontaneously. And, there's even more difference, when you layer on your shoulds. Essentially this word means you’ve obtained the results you wanted — ideally without doing something you’ll regret. Drop-down lists in Excel let you create a list of valid choices that you can select for a given field. Determination is a firmness of purpose in spite of challenges in the relentless pursuit of a goal. You might start running or some other easy-to-begin workout to solidify health habits. Experiencing and sharing joy, satisfaction, and contentment are high priorities for you. Merging his studies with Neural Linguistic Programming, Cognitive Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and many other models of thought along with Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, Robbins developed a dynamic way of exploring what he believed to be the six core psychological … This is the list of 'psychogenic' needs identified in Explorations in Personality, edited by Henry A. Murray in 1938. You breathe in motivation throughout the day and keep the fire in you stoked and ready; you also love to motivate others. What qualities would I expect to see in the best version of myself? Because needs, values, and motivators are all interconnected, understanding one concept helps you to know more about the other two. Authenticity. Ambition needs. 1. Is it on your needs, wants, or your shoulds? Connecting the Many Pieces of the Puzzle of YOU, 10 Easy Meditations to Bring Calm to Your Everyday Life. 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