facebook link preview description

facebook link preview description

Consider the trifecta: Brand, marketing, and SEO. Tips for an effective title. When you share a link on your Page, you can include a preview in your post. Now, let’s say you plug your link in the Facebook Debugger, but the image preview doesn’t look the way you want. OG tags are what allow Facebook to take a boring ol’ URL and transform it into a beautiful link preview. Facebook Link Preview Showing Wrong Description If you write or contribute to a blog, you will probably want readers to be able to share your posts on Facebook. Type in your link, and click Debug. Once the page refreshes, scroll down to see the preview. This means the description will only show in your ad if it's likely to appeal to the person seeing it. The crawler has to see an image at least once before it can be rendered. This video course includes 6 short modules and 6 downloadable worksheets to step up your game and start treating social media like the valuable marketing channel it is. In fact, when I do a “View source” on the page, it shows the og:image tag and all other tags. Give another link from the same domain a try. (Because these days, link trust is one of the most important factors when you’re trying to get traffic from social media.) Facebook Page Profile Picture. On Facebook, certain types of link shares will also use a description. It even gives you a little preview of what your text will look like! The preview can include up to 10 images with descriptions and unique destination URLs. If necessary information (such as og:image, og:title, og:description tags) are missing from the page, Facebook will show you warnings. See what that preview will look like using their link preview tool. When your ad appears in the News Feed placement the description will show dynamically. Don't worry! Modify the HTML response header for your URL to include the following meta tags. It affects everyone, though – including you! Not into coding? There are a few reasons why Edgar may not be able to display a Facebook preview for your link. What Akhil said is correct, though custom rules have mostly been eliminated. Link previews are more eye-catching and clickable than plain URLs – by giving your link an image, title, description, and more, you’re providing people with the contextual information that’ll make them want to click. When you add a link in chat message or share it on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, you can see a small visual preview and brief description of the link. Get Actionable Social Media Advice (And Not Too Much of It!) But whether you use the sharing debugger or manually adjust the code when you you put a link in a Facebook post, it’s still pretty easy to point Facebook in the right direction regarding what you want, whether or not you have a ton of technical know-how – so make sure you’re adjusting your workflow accordingly! Open Graph tags on your website provide Facebook with the content it needs to fill a link preview. You want to tell them exactly what they are going to get on the page they are visiting. Collect the link details: link URL, link title, and link image URL. Share photos and videos, send messages and get updates. If you'd like to see how to change your website's meta tags (open graph tags) to generate better previews, check out our webinar here: If you are not the owner of the website you are linking to and the site does not have the meta tags necessary to generate a preview, there is currently no way to alter a link preview except by bringing it to the attention of the website's owner so they can update their meta tags. If we wanted, we could dive into that page’s metadata and add the og:image:width and og:image:height tags to our Open Graph tags. Run the link through Facebook's link preview tool to see what Facebook itself is able to pull. The second method for making sure your link previews work is to use Facebook’s Sharing Debugger. These tags can usually be controlled with a simple plugin such as Yoast SEO. Fortunately, there are two ways you can get around that. Here at MeetEdgar, for example, we use the Yoast SEO plugin. Fixing the Preview Image, Title and Description for Shared Links When sharing a page, AddToAny passes the page URL and title to services, and many services will use that data. For these Pageswe are extending the deprecation window to give publishers time to indicate link ownership. If Link Preview is turned on, it automatically provides the site's name, description, and thumbnail image (if available) in the message body. TikTok is a social media network that revolves around video sharing. If you want your Facebook links to look as good as possible, then you’ve gotta know how certain parts of your metadata work. Facebook for Developers has a tool known as “Debugger” (can be found here) that allows a user to recieve feedback about your pages markup, and will show the information Facebook will retrieve from the page: title, description, picture and more! (Long story short, it’s mostly related to fighting the spread of fake news – which is a pretty good priority, even when it makes things like this slightly more involved.). For example, social apps can use the metadata to present shared Dynamic Links as cards with a title, a description of the linked content, and a preview image. Is it slightly less convenient to customize them than it was before Facebook’s 2017/2018 tweaks? And just like DNA, if you change the information in that code, Facebook will see those pages in different ways! When you type a URL into facebook, it automatically comes up with the "post a link" feature. Your meta description is not a *direct* ranking factor, so don’t worry about stuffing it with keywords. The image, title, description, and site name that appears when a page link is posted on Facebook all originate from Facebook’s Open Graph. Check out some of the common issues below: Edgar may have received a server error from the website, likely due to site maintenance or another issue on the website's end. The image you choose is the one that Facebook should pull for your link preview! *Note: Facebook has an 8MB limit on images included in previews. If the thought of going elbows-deep into your site’s metadata makes you feel squeamish, though, we’ll make one thing nice and clear: You do NOT need to know how to code to customize your link previews. Facebook introduced more permanent solution to the link preview problem for media publishers. Click the down-arrow button at the top of the page and then click the name of your business page in the "Use Facebook As" section. When you plug a URL into this tool, it pre-loads all the information Facebook needs in order to generate a link preview in the future. 1. Your goal with the meta description is to convince someone to click your link. Now, whenever we publish a new blog post, we just plug the URL into Facebook’s Sharing Debugger as soon as it’s live, and we know that the link preview will generate an image preview without a hitch when anyone (including us!) So - you want to make sure the images you share on social media are all the right sizes, so they don't show up looking all wonky with busted cropping and whatnot. In most instances, these errors are temporary. See the following example posts: You can see the text of your post appears at the top. However, rather than using a Facebook Link Preview, you can always upload an image to your post in Edgar or remove the Facebook link preview to send a text only post. Sharing Debugger lets you preview how your content will look when it's shared to Facebook and debug any issues with your Open Graph tags. Master Open Graph Tags and Make Your Content Shine, Facebook’s New Link Previews: What You Need to Know About Creating Your Own. You can publish a Facebook post with a link preview, with an uploaded image, or as text only. In the Sharing Debugger, type the URL for your page and click Debug. Publishers eligible for the “Link Ownership” setting, are able to connect their Facebook Page(s) with their website’s domain by adding specific markup (Open Graph Tag … (And it’s free for a limited time!). If a link thumbnail, title, or description doesn’t appear when you paste a link on Facebook, it’s because those tags weren’t properly created. Edgar doesn't send link preview information to Facebook. Facebook did introduce a way that will still allow publishers to edit link previews for their own domains. That's not as code-y or difficult as it may sound. Google Search - The main link that people click on. Open the Sharing Debugger to verify that your server is returning the correct metadata to Facebook for sharing. The Facebook debugger is a very handy tool. When you add og:image:width and og:image:height to your existing Open Graph tags, it gives Facebook just enough information to generate the image preview you want, even the very first time a link is shared. According to Facebook, "Publishers can begin authorizing their Pages to modify link attachments from their website domains today. Create an account or log into Facebook. I use a WordPress plugin called Yoast SEO. Yet, Facebook is not being able to receive the data for some reason. Facebook will check your link and create the link preview at the time the post is published. The image pulled from the link by the preview is in a clickable box with the title and description from the website below it. So you just may need to force Facebook to clear the cache. Browser Tab - Subliminal marketing that persists in a tab. (And it’s free for a limited time! When you include a link in an ad you have the option to add a description. Don’t you hate it when you try to post a link in a Facebook post, and the image in the preview ends up looking like this: Which, admittedly, doesn’t sound like a very exciting topic. The current share scraper returns a list of candidate images. This video course includes 6 short modules and 6 downloadable worksheets to step up your game and start treating social media like the valuable marketing channel it is. Adding a plugin to your WordPress site makes customizing this stuff ridiculously simple. Just pop the URL for that page into Facebook’s Sharing Debugger. You can also change the title and description info. There are many ways to update Open Graph tags. Also, the app preview page that is displayed when you open a Dynamic Link on iOS will use the metadata, if provided, to display a preview of the link's content. What is Curated Content? If you want to customize the different elements of your link previews, like the image or the meta description, you can do that by hand by editing your OG tags. We’re gonna cut through all the technical details and give you the short version of what matters in your metadata, so you can make sure your Facebook link previews generate those beautiful images you’re looking for every time! (And if it means less fake news and inaccurate link previews in the News Feed, it’s a step we’re pretty glad to take.). 5. Connect with friends, family and other people you know. If an image on your website is over 8MB, it will not be included in a link preview. Facebook link ads are single image advertisements that help promote your website, post-click landing page or article. Turning off the Facebook Link Preview will result in a text-only post. Earlier in this post, we showed you an example of a Facebook update that couldn’t properly generate a link preview with an image: The reason it didn’t generate an image preview is because that link had never been shared on Facebook before. You can publish a Facebook post with a link preview, with an uploaded image, or as text only. Step-by-Step Instructions. While content creation involves you (or your team) creating and sharing your own content, curation is... Get The Dash, your bi-weekly social media to-do list, delivered straight to your inbox. To share a link on your Facebook Page: 1 | Click in Write a post… at the top of your Page’s timeline and enter the link you want to … To update your WordPress page’s Facebook link preview we must first understand where it comes from. Final Step. For example, when we choose a Featured Image, it appears in the header of that post. Here’s what they look like for that update above (we highlighted the text that corresponds to different parts of the link preview): In the past, this has been about as complicated as it got – but in 2017 and 2018, Facebook has made changes to how to share a link on Facebook, including how link previews and tags work. These tags must be present on the website for a preview to be generated. “When content is shared for the first time, the Facebook crawler will scrape and cache the metadata from the URL shared. The preview doesn’t show an image (but you know there are lots on your page) Or it shows some images, but not the one you really want to show. Facebook will still display a preview when the post is published. TikToks are 15 or 60 seconds in length and can be created right in the TikTok App. If you upload an image to your post in Edgar, the post will publish as a photo on Facebook with your accompanying text. Replace the content attributes with your information. All future instances of that link will rely on the cached information. Get the tie-it-all-together social media plan your marketing strategy has been missing. So I've notices from my Facebook Page Analytics that posts without link previews (thumbnail & excerpt) get over 10 times the 'reach' as posts with links previews. To do this, they need to indicate link ownership for that domain. Instructions for the Outlook.com and Outlook on the web OG tags live in the code for every page and post on your website. The Facebook Debugger Tool. Here’s the post we’ve been using as an example if you want to see for yourself!). (Because these days, link trust is one of the most important factors when you’re trying to get traffic from social media.). A Link Preview is the clickable box that contains an image from your link, the title of the link, and a short description of the content. If you’ve been looking for ways to step up your social media marketing game, you’ve probably come across the concept of curating content. So there you have it – an easy-as-pie primer on Open Graph meta tags and how to get a link to a Facebook post in 2018. When we do, Facebook shows us the link preview that they’re now able to generate: And when we try to share that URL on Facebook again after using the Facebook debugger, we can see that they’re now able to generate a preview that includes an image: So bada-bing, bada-boom – we have one little extra step to our social sharing workflow. Facebook If you want to make sure the right title and description show when others share your video on Facebook, enter the video URL in the Facebook debug tool. If you have selected a Facebook account and included a link in the text of your post, a Facebook Link Preview will be generated. We know media Pages use th… ), so you can use the same ads in a variety of locations to reach a wider audience. Don’t worry – we’ve got some easy plug-and-play shortcuts we’ll share, too. They can have differing placements (Feed, Stories, Instagram, etc. Edgar's previews are only approximations of what Facebook will display. ), By definition, Open Graph “enables any web page to become a rich object in a social graph.”, Which is really just a fancy way of saying it turns this…. The main benefit of link previews is that users have some expectations of what they’re going to get before they open the link. Basically, the number of link clicks is divided by the number of reactions, comments, and shares on the post to determine if the people that clicked the link … So how do you update that information? The Facebook link preview shows some weird cryptic looking junk. shares that URL on Facebook. Social Sites - The title people see on FB, Linkedin, etc. Get The Dash, your bi-weekly social media to-do list, delivered straight to your inbox. The website will not allow a preview to be pulled due to a firewall or security bot. (Facebook saves the info from URLs and pages that have already been shared, for better performance.) If your URL is correct and there are no current server issues, Edgar may be receiving an SSL error from the site. This tool will flush the cache and tell Facebook your new info. A preview usually contains a … Example warnings may look like this: Learn how to add or edit og:tags on your website here: Facebook Link Previews: Make your posts more engaging! Think of metadata like your website’s DNA – coded information that determines how a network like Facebook sees the pages on your site. This automatically expands a preview of what your post will look like, including a preview of the content. And you can always see exactly what Facebook will show in a preview by using their link preview tool. You can easily share the posts on a WordPress blog by installing a plug-in. (Not into coding? Our plugin makes it possible to change your social image, title and description right there in your preview. External Links - Commonly the text other sites use to link to your site. Who wouldn't? Basically, when you share a link to your Facebook for the first time, Facebook’s crawlers have to go in and pull the metadata to come up with the Facebook Link Preview. First off, to clarify what's being changed, exactly - currently, when you upload a post to Facebook, Facebook automatically generates a link preview and extracts the header image from the post to display with your link. What is a Facebook preview, how is it made, and what are meta tags, open graph tags, or og:tags? 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