benefits of education

benefits of education

• Lower Blood Pressure and Stress. Education is not only a tool for making money – it can be good for our hearts and souls as well, and help us figure out how we want to live. Societies with high rates of education completion have lower … College grads tend to be healthier as well, with lower risk of heart disease, tendency towards healthy eating and exercise, smoke less and live longer. Not getting an education can lead to a cycle of poverty. People with better education tend to live longer and have healthier lifestyles. And to overcome such embarrassment, people need to come forward and accept the benefits of education which can change their life with full of confidence. Degree holders are also less likely to smoke and more likely to get regular exercise. Starting from a young age, it helps mold a person into a valuable individual who can contribute to the progress and development of their community. Benefits of Education are Societal and Personal. Benefits of Free Education. It can also take place in formal and informal settings. Benefits of education. GPE supports lower-income countries to ensure that every child receives a quality education. • Better education, the higher are the earnings for all racial/ethnic groups and for both men and women. One of the benefits of education is the possibility of earning a higher income. Don’t forget that college isn’t all studying. SEATTLE — Most people agree that education is one of the crucial components that allow people to better themselves. Those with an education have had more on their plate, and succeeded through it. Educated societies lift up the weak and bring a feeling of togetherness among all parts. Higher degree holders are twice as likely to volunteer, and 3.5 times more likely to donate money than high school graduates. Climate change is a large part of the conversation today, and society needs to work together to find ways to reduce impact on the earth. Education Raises Literacy Levels Illiteracy is a cycle which reinforces long … December 5, 2009, J Juliet, 10 Comments. Women with an education have better decision making capabilities and are more likely to take charge of their own lives. When an entire society is educated, productivity increases, average income increases, and unemployment decreases. Finishing any degree — whether it is a high school degree or higher education — is an accomplishment. College degrees prepare students for a career, or for advancement within their current field. Education is not only the accumulation of knowledge but also a chance for students to go beyond their current limitations. Candidates with an education, regardless of whether it is in college or a trade, have many more employment options than an unskilled worker. Educated individuals that enter the workforce will put their knowledge of climate change into company policies, leading to increased sustainability. Higher education gives the training and skills necessary for success in a specific area. Putting education first in a society allows for girls to be seen as people who can get an education and make their own decisions, rather than just a future wife and mother. Courses often require group work and presentations, resulting in better interpersonal communication skills for grads. According to the World Bank, one of the pivotal benefits of education is labor market earnings. Benefits of Education to Society The necessity of education is viewed to be more social than a personal obligation. Access to education is an ongoing civil rights struggle. Education provides everyone with a sense of empowerment; the idea that they have the choice to change their own life and choose their path. According to research, people with higher education have a one-third lower risk of heart disease. Education gives you the space to do so. A person misses out on many important opportunities if they are deprived of a complete education. Education offers a long list of benefits to make anyone who gets it an essential member of the society. Students are given increasing amounts of responsibility with each year of education they complete. Education also helps to improve one’s social skills. Children are the future of the world. Benefits of modern education Educations plays a critical role in our lives including preparing young children for their future careers and shaping their perception about the world. It starts with education. A society needs to have qualified and well educated citizens as it helps create a smooth and developed society. Women with one to six years of education are twice as likely to suffer maternal mortality. They know how to manage their time and talents and be productive. Benefits of education for children. Increased Employment and Earning Employers in a society are impacted by supply and demand of qualified workers. Even if you aren’t sure what you want to do after graduation, it is a great benefit to go to college. Employment. You will be exposed to a diverse set of people and ideas which expand the mind. Women with no education at all are 2.7 times as likely to die during birth as women with 12 years of education. People with an education can think, and think well. Feeling convinced? Education teaches people the difference between right and wrong, and also exposes children and young adults to experiences of others. College will help you get a deeper and more theoretical understanding of your passion and will also open your eyes to possible career paths and mentors. Additionally, worker… Economics of Education For decades, the primary argument in justifying education has been based on its direct economic effects. Some may not even look at a resume where the applicant has no degree. One of the best benefits of online education during the pandemic is the comfort that it has provided to the students and teachers. Education provides students with the space and the opportunities to meet like-minded individuals, either on a peer or mentor basis. With an effective e-learning platform, students can easily appear for their evaluations. Benefits of Free Education. Those with graduate degrees made an average of $1,451. Top 10 Benefits of Education Include Poverty Reduction, How Domestic Violence in Guyana Affects Poverty and Development, How India’s Largest Slum Is an Unlikely COVID-19 Success Story, 3 Small Businesses to Support to Fight Global Poverty, Caring House Project: Alleviating Poverty with Philanthrocapitalism, Grassroots Groups Fighting for Women’s Rights in Thailand, Examining the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative Authorization Act, 3 International Women’s Rights Bills Improving Gender Inequality, The Effects of COVID-19 on Women’s Wealth, International Assistance to South Africa in Wake of COVID-19. Most people attend college to get an education and pursue a field in which they are interested. Benefits of technology in education. Knowledge is powerful and has the ability to deliver positive outcomes throughout your career. Top 10 Benefits of Education Poverty reduction Many children living in extreme poverty do not have access to basic education,...Higher income One of the benefits of education is the possibility of earning a higher income. Marcelina Hardy stated that there are seven benefits associated to a higher education. Students can collaborate together across borders, increasing cultural awareness and worldliness of the individuals. To show you just how valuable it is, here are seven benefits of continuing education for the rest of 2019 and into the new year: Grow Your Income with Continuing Education. Those with only a high school degree are twice as susceptible to unemployment than workers with a bachelor’s degree. The more stressors a woman has during pregnancy, the higher the likelihood for negative outcomes. Those with an education tend to be more aware of current political issues, and are more likely to vote. Those with education beyond high school tend to have higher salaries than high school degree holders. Some have skills that they haven’t yet discovered, and haven’t had the opportunity to expand upon. This doesn’t mean everybody will benefit the same way but this could be some benefits that you could enjoy. Societies benefit as well. After graduation, students can carry that productive energy into the workforce. If technology and education had an offspring, microlearning would be it. The friends you make during college will be the friends you have for life. Promotes equality Education is one of the greatest equalizers. Getting a good education is the key to our growth as people, as it allows knowledge to be advanced from generation to generation. Education is a powerful agent of change, and improves health and livelihoods, contributes to social stability and drives long-term economic growth. 1. Those with no degrees make the lowest salaries on average. The lack of access to education contributes to greater problems such as poverty, inequality and sometimes even crime and violence. Money. Societies with higher rates of degree completion and levels of education tend to be healthier, have higher rates of economic stability, lower crime, and greater equality. Graduating gives students a huge sense of accomplishment and gives them the confidence needed to go out into the world and make something of themselves. It stimulates your mind and provides you with a pass to a world of possibilities. Those who get an education have higher incomes, have more opportunities in their lives, and tend to be healthier. Girls with secondary or higher education are three times less likely to marry before the age of 18. Education benefits society in so many ways, including the following five notable areas. In addition, from extracurriculars, students learn arts, sports, and more that help them personally in life and to connect with others. More Employment and More Satisfactory Employment are Benefits of Education In addition to higher incomes, access to certain jobs and greater chances for advancement, higher education also tends to serve as an employment cushion. In addition, you may find new passions, or new areas of interest within your field of study. Unfortunately, despite the numerous benefits of education, there are many places in the world where access to education is very limited. Therefore, they end up with a wonderful skill set that translates into the workforce. What’s one of the biggest motivating factors behind people seeking out new certifications or training? College students study hard and they study often. Many of these benefits of education are interrelated in that they work together to improve a person’s conditions in life. Microlearning is the fusion of technology and education for optimal transformative learning success. When one is educated, they are able to fit in various social groups as they will be better able to communicate with other people. As follows are the top advantages of having a good education. Degree holders have access to more jobs. ", "In the age of information technology and innovation, University of the People is showing us the way". The benefits of education are many. Students are required to go through many types of assignments, discussions, courses, and more during their time in education. 2. "My degree has already helped me in getting a great job at IBM. But learners can also adapt the self-learning process. For full-time workers in 2017, weekly average wages for those with no degree was $515, followed by high school graduates at $717, and $1,189 for bachelor’s degree holders. One of the most important benefits of education is how it improves personal lives and helps societies run smoothly. Many children are deprived of education due to a lack of funds and schools in their neighborhoods. However, access to education can mean getting out of that cycle. Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life. Higher education will help narrow your interest and refine your skill set, showing you exactly what you are good at and what field you may want to enter. They are taught to think alternatively and creatively to solve a problem. Education can bring significant benefits to society, not only through higher employment opportunities and income but also via enhanced skills, improved social status and access to networks. We live longer, fuller, and happier lives as learned and knowledgeable individuals. Every one of us knows that education acts as a cornerstone in laying the foundation of cultural values in children. For graduates of bachelor’s programs or higher, the unemployment rate is cut in half. Societies with high rates of education completion have lower crime, better overall health, and civic involvement. Let's have an analytical look at the advantages of online learning. Over the past few centuries, education has evolved to mirror the demands and the needs of The way it works is by breaking information up into small, bite-sized chunks to be released in short bursts. College grads get further in life, not just because of the degree they’ve earned, but the experiences they went through. Societies benefit as well. This is because educated mothers are more likely to use health services, even in low socioeconomic settings. It is indeed a factory which transforms a human thinking process to resonate with the world around him. BORGEN Magazine is produced by The Borgen Project, an influential humanitarian organization working to make global poverty a focus of U.S. foreign policy. When you feel passionate about something, you want to immerse yourself in that topic. Lack of education is also a stressor for women during childbirth. Money, of course. In school, students meet leaders in their field, top professionals, and make contacts through extra curricular activities as well. Promotes Good Citizenship and Civic Involvement. Those who get an education have higher incomes, have more opportunities in their lives, and tend to be healthier. As a result, students may find skills they didn’t even know they had. As a result, college students have high cognitive ability. Yet education also provides "social benefits" for individuals and society at large, including a better way of taking care of ourselves, and consequently creating a better society to live in. This leads to excellent written communication, speaking skills, and group communication. Learning is one of those aspects in life that’s priceless. The importance of education is undeniable. When you look at income research, the evidence is clear that college graduates make much more than their high school degree counterparts. It is the student’s job to manage their time and create their own success, leading to self-discipline abilities for those who succeed. Some people know exactly what they want to do once they enter the workforce, and some people may need higher education to get to where they need to be. Students are required to turn in written assignments, work in groups, participate in discussions, or present in front of others. Communities that value education for both genders are less likely to have instances of terrorist attacks on girls schools. Things such as critical thinking skills, time management, perseverance, communication, and presentation skills are all great assets not only for future work but for personal life as well. It is usually the benefits of education that are extolled from time to time and there is much strength in that argument since the one thing that separates man from animals is the ability to advance knowledge and expertise from one generation to the next. Sometimes it happens that people experience embarrassment because of lack of education. There are so much more than just these benefits of education we have listed, and it’s not hard to find some that specifically benefit you and what you need in your life. Learning to live with others and work well with others enhances your social skills as well. ", "UoPeople opened an opportunity for me that didn’t otherwise exist. ...The Benefits of Early Childhood Education Introduction Early childhood education is a term that is used to commonly describe the formal teaching and care of young children by individuals or professionals other than their family or in settings outside the child’s home. If you’re ready to take the next step in your education, check out all the higher education degrees offered by University of the People. A great job, a good social reputation are few of the many benefits of being an educated person. 10 Major Benefits of Education Students go through a lot of personal development in college. A personal benefit to getting an education is the opportunity to grow as an individual, experiment with what you are passionate about, and find yourself. Higher overall education levels mean more qualified workers compete for positions, and employers can put more talented people in key roles. This need is fulfilled with the online mode of learning; here, students can learn at their own comfort and requirement. In communities with high rates of education for both genders, gender-based violence is lower. Maternal death rates drop significantly in societies with high education rates. By fully recognising the power of education, policy makers could better address diverse societal challenges. Education is only a matter of thinking which can provide change in one’s level of confidence. ", "By studying at UoPeople, I have more control over my schedule. BENEFITS OF EDUCATION. Getting a higher education has some practical benefits too. Say a mother has fundamental basic education, such as simple maths, English etc, her children would already be at an advantage. Education stretches the mind, exposes students to new topics, and pushes students to do better. Education's external benefits are social benefits that spillover to benefit others in the society and future generations. For more surprising benefits of education, read on. Not only will you personally benefit from receiving an education when it comes to income, career advancement, skill development, and employment opportunities, but your society and community receive benefits of education as well. The following are eight benefits of education that help to combat global poverty: 1. A college degree is a required prerequisite for a growing number of jobs. Educated persons are more likely to support gender equality, and are more likely to take efforts to stop and prevent gender-based or domestic violence. In addition, many positions require a degree for entry. Education has power to change our lives from economic as well as intellectual point of view. Usually, one gets educated under the guidance of educators. They can also act as a social net, lifting you up when you are down and encouraging you to do your best in your studies, your profession and in your life. Complete performance reporting for students. If you really love music, studying music, then find a way to make a career out of it. Being the pillar of a nation, educating them becomes very crucial. One of the benefits of education is that the educational system teaches us how to obtain and develop critical and logical thinking and make independent decisions. When children become adults, they are faced with a lot of challenging issues – pay off your student loans, get a job, buy a car and a house, provide for your family, etc. Lack of access to education is considered the root of poverty. A society that is well educated feels a higher sense of unity and trust within the community. This leads to the economic growth and stability of a society as a whole. However, the actual benefits of education are often glossed over or not discussed. Education is one of the most important investments a country can make in its future. Understanding right and wrong and having empathy reduce tendency to commit crimes. Median college-educated workers earn 84 percent morethan those with only a high school education. Another benefit of education is that is leads towards the promotion of a healthier society. On top of the well-being that comes with pursuing a passion through higher education, one gets the additional benefits mentioned above, making it not only fulfilling, but very practical as well. An educated person has a better chance of getting a higher paying job. Progress of a nation depends on its literacy rate because it enables us to improve our environment and society. They are taught to ask questions, reflect, and analyze — all critical skills for later success. For instance, earnings increase by approximately 10 percent with each additional year of schooling. Education has revolutionized our world and living conditions. Today's learners want relevant, mobile, self-paced, and personalized content. The Most Important Benefits Of eLearning For Students. There’s nothing like getting a solid education. In the words of Francis Bacon, “Knowledge is Power” Power to live a decent life, Power to earn a decent income, Power that brings you respect and dignity. Copyright © University of the People 2020, Giuseppe Zerilli, UK, Computer Science Graduate, Rie Sakurai, Business Administration, Japan, Benefits of Education Are Societal and Personal, Simone Biles, Olympic Champion, Business Administration, access to education can mean getting out of that cycle, less likely to smoke and more likely to get regular exercise, Back to Basics: Understanding the Types of Degrees Out There. From a third world perspective, education is one of the only keys of breaking the vicious cycle of poverty. Workers with more education earn higher wages than employees with no post-secondary education. Just building a school in a remote area might help hundreds of children rise out of poverty. Education of a society decreases overall arrests- just one year increase of average education levels of a state decrease state-wide arrests by 11%. Basic education is able to substantially lift up a family's quality of living. College graduates also tend to have higher rates of participation in political and community affairs, volunteerism and charitable donations. The following is a list of 10 of the most important benefits of education. Pursuing your passion in the form of a college degree is the path that some people take and there is nothing wrong with that. The new world of digital education is helping those who get an education to connect across the globe with people from other cultures. Women during childbirth with each additional year of education good social reputation are few of the people is showing the... Eight benefits of education completion have lower crime, better overall health and. 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