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Are The Benefits Of Himalayan Salt Lamps Legit? Health Benefits of Himalayan Salt Lamps. However, this isn’t specific to salt lamps, and the theory hasn’t been tested. This Himalayan Salt Aromatherapy Lamp is a So Well exclusive. Himalayan salt lamps are made by placing a light bulb inside large chunks of pink Himalayan salt. While salt lamps, which are available at Whole Foods, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and more for around $20, may not have proven health benefits — … Ions are compounds that carry a charge because they have an unbalanced number of protons or electrons. In an old study in apes, negative ions stimulated mucus clearance in … As parents wish healthier and promising growth of their child, they prefer everything which can ensure maximum health Advocates say the lamps work in two ways: Pull in particles. Ions are all around us. Many alternative medicine healers will make all sorts of claims to the healing properties of these lamps. Here are five benefits of having a Himalayan salt lamp in your home instead of one with a … The salt this mine produces has a reddish, pink, or off-white color. More specifically, they are advertised as being beneficial for people with allergies, asthma or diseases that affect respiratory function, such as cystic fibrosis. Mood and 10. According to experts who regularly conduct salt lamp benefit research, negative ions increase oxygen flow to the brain. The study showed that high-intensity negative ion treatments can reduce chronic depression and SAD. James Winskowski is a copywriter and web developer who is passionate about living a healthy lifestyle. In the meantime, the general salt research that’s out there right now is quite impressive and encouraging. As parents wish healthier and promising growth of their child, they prefer everything which can ensure maximum health benefits. It’s suggested that Himalayan salt lamps may produce ions by attracting water particles that evaporate off as a salt solution when heated by the lamp, forming mostly negative ions (2). Firstly, let’s take a look at what Himalayan salts lamps are and the benefits associated with having one around the home.. Therefore, using a lamp leads to less tiredness and … Asthma and Respiratory Diseases. Some studies show that it can be just as effective as prescription medication. Since the salt lamp produces negative ions, it can greatly benefit a person with asthma and allergies because it cleans the air and allows them to breathe more easily. Different hues may affect your mood, diet, and more. So far there are no scientific studies on the ability of Himalayan salt lamps to produce negative ions. Although a few studies show some benefits from negative ions, the evidence that salt lamps improve health is lacking. Thus, researchers questioned whether the link was causal. In most of them, negative ions didn't ease breathing or asthma symptoms. Cleaning the air. Salt sourced from this area is believed to be millions of years old, and although it’s very similar to table salt, the small amounts of minerals it contains give it a pink color. The benefits include some of these beautiful healing properties: They deodorize and purify the air, as well as cleanse the room that it is in at the time. In any case, they act as a symbol of natural living. Throat chakra problems can also lead to…, If you’d like to work with a provider with a whole-body approach, a holistic doctor may be an option. Yet, there is little support for this practice, and it’s not clear whether it is safe or effective for people with respiratory conditions (3). Having soft natural glow, Himalayan pink salt lamp is a good … The notion that negative ions may improve breathing has led to a few studies on the topic. The benefits of negative air ionization were discovered by accident in a 1998 study on seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Getting good sleep is very important for optimal health. In addition, others include lithium, halite and selenite. Why are they so popular and are the health claims really accurate? Himalayan salt lamps have attained immense popularity for their cool appeal. Halo Salt Therapy: Resurgence of a Salt Cave Spa Treatment. The Himalayan range is home to the planet's highest peaks, including the highest, Mount Everest. Their salt lamps come complete with a UL-listed cord, a low-wattage light bulb, and an information card explaining the benefits of Himalayan salt lamps. They are produced naturally in the air when alterations occur in the atmosphere. More research on the theories surrounding their potential health benefits is needed. ", BMC Microbiology: "The bactericidal effect of an ionizer under low concentration of ozone.". Himalayan salt lamps are a beautiful light source that may offer the benefits of color therapy, by cleaning the air hygroscopically and in alleviating allergies. To seek your priorities, Himalayan Decor International is introducing Himalayan salt lamp benefits fir babies that make you realize, how rock salt products are safe and essential for your kiddies. All our salt lamps come on an onyx crystal base instead of the basic wooden base. St. John's wort is a medicinal herb that functions as an antidepressant. ", Pakistan Journal of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology: "Exposure to illuminated salt lamp increases 5-HT metabolism: A serotonergic perspective to its beneficial effects. They can suggest alternative therapies for your…. American Lung Association: "Promising or Placebo? Learn more…. True Himalayan salt lamps are made from salt harvested from the Khewra Salt Mine in Pakistan. Over time, this could not only hurt your respiratory system but also adversely affect your overall health and well-being. Most of the research so far has used negative ions from other sources, not lamps. Although the salt lamp itself is quite a new and “bright” idea – pun intended – the benefits of salt, especially Himalayan salt, are far from unique. Overall, these points may make them a great addition to your home. The lamps form from different types of minerals such as: red, yellow or white salts. Exposure to a salt lamp is said to help lower high blood pressure. Negative ions have gained an electron. A Himalayan salt lamp might bring a nice decorative touch and a warming glow to your space, but there's no research right now that says it will improve your health in a big way. mbg Contributor By James Winskowski. Do Himalayan Salt Lamps Have Health Benefits. Some people believe that positive ions in the air increase anxiety, crankiness, and other unpleasant feelings. Lift your mood. Although some of their health claims are not supported by science, Himalayan salt lamps may have other benefits. It can support the sense of love or joy and opens your emotions. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Many people choose to buy Himalayan salt lamps simply because they like the way they look and enjoy the ambiance the pink light creates in their homes. Alleviates common cold symptoms and eases coughing. Salt lamps come in all different colors and each one can help you reach your goals. Himalayan salt lamps are one of the hottest current trends in natural health and wellness. Commercial ionizers and purification systems also produce negatively charged ions to create cleaner and more comfortable indoor spaces. However, both effects are highly unlikely. Although a few studies show some benefits from negative ions, the evidence that salt lamps improve health is lacking. Gray Salt Lamp: This rare color has great immune boosting factor! The benefits of salt lamps are numerous. Some animal studies have shown that exposure to high levels of negative ions in the air may improve levels of serotonin, a chemical involved in mood regulation (1). You’ve probably seen or heard of Himalayan salt lamp benefits before. ", Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine: "Air ions and respiratory function outcomes: a comprehensive review. Can halotherapy really clear out your lungs and cure depression? Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits. Himalayan Salt Lamps and Air Purification. When your throat chakra is blocked or misaligned, you may have issues with creativity and communication. Yet, human studies investigating claims regarding the psychological effects of air ionization found no consistent effects on mood or feelings of well-being (7). Researchers would have to test the theory. Currently, it’s unclear whether salt lamps produce ions in meaningful amounts, if at all. The lamps are are said to help boost the immune system. For example, waterfalls, waves, storms, natural radioactivity and heat all produce air ions (1). Reduces Stress. Himalayan salt lamps have attained immense popularity for their cool appeal. They are these pink-orange colored hunks of salt with a light bulb placed inside, making it emit this unique, warm glow. Negative ions do have some ability to clean harmful particles from the air. What is a Himalayan Salt Lamp? 8 Himalayan Salt Lamp Benefits. Since Himalayan salt lamps are eye-pleasing they can be used as conversation starters. This article compares several different types of salt, including himalayan salt, kosher salt, celtic salt, regular (table) salt and sea salt. Others form closer to home, from radiation, sunlight, lightning, or the collision of water droplets in a waterfall. However, a review of the effects of air ionization on relaxation and sleep didn’t find any evidence of a beneficial effect (7). 1. Salt lamps are often claimed to improve the air quality of your home. ", "Khewra Salt Mine (Mayo Mine). Himalayan salt lamp looks awesome. The first to use these salt lamps were those living in nearby towns of the deposits. In conclusion, salt lamps have a wide range of benefits both health benefits and elegant designs. The claims sound impressive. Salt lamps are said to provide health benefits because they are “natural ionizers,” meaning they change the electrical charge of the circulating air Thus, even if salt lamps do affect the air environment, it’s not clear if this would have an effect on sleep patterns. Himalayan salt lamps are made from crystal salts formed by nature. How Do Rock Salt Lamps Work? In summary, salt lamps benefits don’t include treating your asthma, combatting your symptoms of depression, or making your house anything more than energetically cleansed. They say that negative ones ease stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well-being. The number one rated Himalayan Salt Lamp on Amazon and the one I personally own is the Levoit Kyra Salt Lamp.It has over 1,200 reviews and 91% of them are at least 4 stars which is incredible. ", BMC Psychiatry: "Air ions and mood outcomes: a review and meta-analysis. These are mined 2000-2600 feet below the ground in salt mines of Himalayan mountains, which are located in Asia and Europe. It’s possible that using the dim light from a Himalayan salt lamp may help promote sleepiness toward the end of the day if you use it to replace bright electric lights. Is Pink Himalayan Salt Better Than Regular Salt? When ions build up on bacteria or pollen, they neutralize the pollutants. Attributed Himalayan salt lamp health benefits Natural living proponents and other fans of Himalayan pinksalt lamps (HPS lamps) claim that the negative salt ions released by heating can boost blood flow, improve sleep, increase levels of serotonin in the brain, and calm allergy or … They have a distinctive look and emit a warming, pink glow when lit. Himalayan Salt lamps are an infinite source of negative ions, livening up your ambiance and giving you that extra boost to finish that lengthy project due tomorrow. Most salt crystal is excavated from the foothills of the Himalayan range. They also didn't lower inhaler use in children and adults with chronic asthma. Some use them for sparkling over dinner and some just for a soothing bath. A very small study shows that people did better on thinking skills tests when they were in a room where the paint on the walls had a high concentration of total air ions (both positive and negative ions). ", Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews: "Ionisers for chronic asthma. By blocking blue light in the evening, you can prevent the disruption in the natural sleep-wake cycle caused by artificial lighting and electronics. People who use pink Himalayan salt lamps say that they help to increase blood flow, reduce allergy symptoms and even help to get a better sleep. Advocates claim that Himalayan salt lamps offer dual benefits: releasing negative ions and absorbing with air moisture. A Himalayan rock salt lamp releases negatively charged ions into the air. Claims of potential pink Himalayan salt lamp benefits include improvement in indoor air quality which can help with health conditions like asthma and allergies. However, the few ions, if any, emitted by the salt lamp are differ… These pink salt rock lamps are basically large chunks of Himalayan salt, just as the name suggests. You now have adequate information on Himalayan salt lamps. Janitors of the air Furthermore, tests on air ionizers, which emit high levels of negative ions, haven’t yet been shown to benefit people with asthma or improve respiratory function (4, 5, 6). Here is a list of 11 benefits you and your family could get from using a Himalayan rock salt lamp: Improve breathing. Another frequently made claim is that Himalayan salt lamps can boost your mood. ", Journal of Applied Microbiology: "The application of ionizers in domestic refrigerators for reduction in airborne and surface bacteria. However, researchers did find that people with depressive symptoms who were exposed to very high levels of negative ions reported improvements in their mood. However, there is currently no evidence that using a Himalayan salt lamp can remove potential pathogens and improve the air quality of your home. © 2005-2021 Healthline Media a Red Ventures Company. Asthma and allergies. I've done some research on Himalayan Salt Lamps and the information found is provided below. Studies suggest that negative and positive ions may kill germs, though exactly how isn't clear, and some experts say the germ-killing may be due to other reasons. Just as a nasal saline spray uses salt to clear airways, they help to … Other health problems reputed to benefit from these lamps include blood and liver problems, hypertension, neuralgia, rheumatism, sinus and migraine headaches, and hormonal imbalances. The lamps are said to have powerful healing and cleansing properties, they’re relatively inexpensive and, even for those who don’t know or care about the health benefits, they make a nice piece of home décor. mbg Contributor. This is because bright light before bed can delay production of the sleep hormone melatonin (8, 9). There is no evidence behind the health claims related to Himalayan salt lamps. Those who believe in the health benefits of these lamps give negative ions much of the credit. Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT. In this post, we'll take a look at the 9 benefits of Himalayan salt lamps. Himalayan salt lamps are referred to as the ornamental lights that individuals buy to add an ambiance to their houses. Sellers of these decorative pieces say they do more than light up a room. These lamps supposedly attract allergens, toxins, and pollutants to their surface. Possibly release negative ions. They can also be created artificially by commercially produced air ionizers. Click play on the short video below to see the new and improved salt lamps we stock. The heat from a lighted salt lamp attracts moisture. Positive ions have lost one. Himalayan Salt Aromatherapy Lamp – Get the Benefits of Both Worlds. People with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), asthma, allergies, and other breathing problems have used salt caves to provide relief from their symptoms for generations. Awesome! Studies have not yet examined the effects of Himalayan salt lamps on sleep. COPD, Asthma, and Allergies. Himalayan salt lamps are believed to filter dust, mold, mildew and pet dander from indoor air. 2. Are there true benefits of salt lamps, or are they just a glowing, earthy addition to your home? Calms allergies. The real versions are fragile and give off a dim light. The Himalayas include over a hundred mountains That doesn't mean the lamps would have the same effect on humans. There are three main health claims made about Himalayan salt lamps. Yet the scientific evidence to back them up is scarce. Himalayan salt lamps are decorative lights you can buy for your home. Mood and sleep. You add a few drops of essential oil in the bowl. The way that this natural rock salt can clear a room of ions built up over time, due to the amount of electrical devices in our homes is one of the biggest Himalayan salt lamp benefits. In this therapy, people with chronic respiratory conditions are said to benefit from spending time in salt caves due to the presence of salt in the air. Meditation has been proven to reduce stress … Studies have shown that adding a rock salt lamp to your home reduces the symptoms of allergies and asthma tremendously, since clear air helps you to breathe easy. Manufacturers and health gurus highlight anecdotal reports of benefits such as allergy relief, improved mood and energy, and reduced air pollution. The air we breathe is chock-full of particles, toxins, chemical vapor, germs, smoke, pollutants, and other air contaminants. Amber Salt Lamp: Facilitates a feeling of security and calm. They are an inexpensive no-blue light source to use after dark and as a sleep-friendly night light for kids. * There are other very reputable shops that offer authentic Himalayan Salt Lamps, including pink, orange, white, gray, and other off-color salt lamps that also are from the same mining region. Himalayan salt, which is used to create Himalayan Salt Lamps, is one of today’s most sought after items in the world of nutrition and holistic health. The benefits of Himalayan Salt lamps are an investment in your health. Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Though a small amount of pollutants in the air might stick to salt rock, these rocks don't have anywhere near the filtering ability of, say, charcoal, a common component of air filters. Himalayan rock salt was formed in the health benefits time at the 9 benefits of Himalayan lamp... Winskowski is a copywriter and web developer who is passionate about living a healthy.... 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