druid circle of the moon

druid circle of the moon

A word of caution to DMs who allow multi-classing. Those who fall into The Circle of the Moon are shifting specialists. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. There's a little bit of controversy here (so I've seen), since the War Caster feat has a prerequisite: The ability to cast at least one spell. How did you build your Circle of the Moon druid? Firstly, having a basic armor class that most druids lack could come in handy. I'm pretty sure the Mobile Feat still applies when Wild Shaped. The Digital Dungeon Master has painstakingly created 5e character sheets to help you get going. You then revert to your normal form unless you expend another use of this feature. But I’m a weirdo. If you find yourself going into dungeons a lot, this feat can save your life. Of course, that’s for every druid. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. Great guide! And then, a flash of light. These characters aren’t necessarily zany old spellcasters poking around the forest—they’re shapeshifting hunters and warriors. There are lots of ways to take down an archdruid using powerful spells and damage-dealing monsters (keeping in mind that druids can only transform on their turn). Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Beyond this, your cantrips are simply a matter of preference, and almost any will serve you well. This saves me the trouble of having to re-select all my spells at the start of each day. I will not include 3rd-party content, including content from DMs Guild, even if it is my own, because I can't assum… The druid gains access to four subclass features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level. Monster of the Week: Tome of Mysteries Review, Guide to Building a Druid Circle of the Land DnD 5e. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. Monks unarmored defense will give most beasts increased AC (depending on your wisdom modifier), and the barbarians Rage feature helps mitigate damage you would take while in beast form. This is usually a sound idea, especially if your campaigns often only have one or two large encounters, rather than several small ones, in between rests. This can make it tempting to focus entirely on your mental ability scores, and let Wild Shape pick up the slack for your physical scores. So I'll be joining this campaign soon where I'll be a circle of the moon druid that comes from an aztec-like cult, tribe thingy and I was wondering if multiclassing into blood domain cleric would be a good option as currently the only two (main) options on how I have to play my character are as a full moon druid or a moon druid who multiclasses into blood domain cleric. You can choose any feat you want to support your character concept, but there are some feats that may be more useful to your character than others. Circle of the Moon (PHB) Theme: Weaving the power of the wild beasts in nature, the moon druid uses the skills and abilities of nature’s denizens. Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. Features that were incredibly useful, like being able to spend spell slots for hit points, dissolve into only having niche application—especially as high-level spells tend to be far more useful than simply dealing and taking damage. The cry rang like a bell, and then faded. This next wave of the Class 101 series will appraise every subclass within the Player’s Handbook and break down each subclass’s strengths, weaknesses, thematic elements, and everything else a player would want to know before playing that subclass. Druids aren’t spell blasters the way wizards and warlocks can be. So that by RAW then goes out the window at high levels, assuming the campaign goes that high. Game Mechanics: Able to wild-shape more quickly, using it as a bonus action, and with higher limitations than usual. My Armor Class will be on the low side, with my Dexterity modifier and basic leather armor. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. Second wind and action surge are always fantastic to have around, but all Maneuvers function in wild shape forms and make for great fun things to do instead of just swinging. As I noted with the drow example, a giant hyena and giant spider are awesome choices. Most of my spells will come from this list, so I’m thinking versatility is key. Is there any reason why a Feat would not be an "other source"? First and foremost, the Circle of the Moon is the most powerful because it is what lets interested individuals get good use out of their wild shape for combat, so much so that these druids can actually serve as tanks for the rest of their parties if … Choose Archetypes between the Circle of the Land or Circle of the Moon. Druids typically come with some basic weapons, such as a sling, staff, shortbow or even scimitar, but we aren’t too worried about weapons. The solar observances were ba… I’m still forced to follow the swimming and flying guidelines, but each of my beast forms will be far stronger. Some beast forms make great use of grappling, especially at low levels. Druids also seek harmony, but in nature rather than in self. I came up new druid lore called Circle of the Cosmos and used the Circle of the Moon mechanics - the name given to my character was Regulus, which is also the name of a star in the constellation Leo. Then, at 6th level, they can transform into a beast with a challenge rating as high as their druid level divided by 3, rounded down. Beasts have huge pools of HP but they're easy to hit. Your Druid level determines the beasts you can transform into (see Circle Forms below). Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Use your mastery of transformation to change your humanoid form’s features. Moon druids at this level do gain immunity to poison and disease. Circle of the Lycan Druid Circle Circle of the Lycan. At 4th level, you get to gain either an Ability Score Increase or a feat. Remember, there’s an element to this that states your character must see the creature before they can transform into it. Abilities like Primal Strike and Elemental Wild Shape help ensure that your transformations remain relevant, even as your enemies grow more challenging. Multi-classing! If your gaming group owns a copy of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, what kind of biome your druid grew up in could play a role in what Wild Shape forms you know from the beginning of the game. You don’t choose your subclass until 2nd level, but you can still carve out your role in the party through your spell selection before you officially join the Circle of the Moon. I'm not convinced this is broken. It's a wonderful resource when I planned my "go to" shapes in the character builder. If you’re interested in playing other classes, check out the entire Class 101 series. Low level free ride :). Even though your Wild Shape forms give you a lot of offensive power, you won’t be able to attack from range in those shapes, so you’ll want at least one offensive ranged cantrip, to use outside of beast form. Being mobile while in Wild Shape is paramount, since you don’t have the ability to cast spells that will get you in and out of difficult situations. It’s a hard choice, but I’m looking at Perception and Survival. Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. There are festivals for each period throughout the year, beginning in December. Circle of Moon druids are amazing at lower levels, decent at higher ones, but once you have infinite wild shapes, the class is broken. Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. As I shapeshift, the armor will need to come off anyway, so, again, whatever. The 10th level Nature's Ward ability is modified: Moon druids can't be charmed or frightened by extraplanar creatures or undead. Be warned that many druid spells require concentration, and you can only concentrate on one spell at once. Then, choosing Circle of the Moon would be connected to my darkness, and I could choose beast forms like giant spider or giant hyena to fit the theme. How dare you stand where Robert Jordan stood. Document Info Druid "Wild Shape" Beast List 5th Edition D&D This is a stats list I made for the beasts a Druid can turn into for their "Wild Shape" ability. Circle of the Moon Features. Know your basic druid abilities and build. Perception is also a crucial skill for just about anyone. Class is back in session. Have you ever played a Circle of the Moon druid? Gathering only occasionally under the cloak of darkness to discuss news or pass on warnings, Druids of the Moon often went weeks without seeing another druid or even simply another humanoid. For example, I could play a drow and set my Wisdom as my highest score. Druids don’t typically get any class features that help them out against traps, so this can help you out when you’re wandering through dungeons in your humanoid form. Since your Wild Shape lasts for a minimum of 1 hour (a number of hours equal to half your druid level, that is), you can likely stay in Wild Shape for multiple combats, unless your form runs out of hit points. If you don’t own this book, you and your DM can simply discuss what Wild Shape options you have access to starting at 2nd level. If you want more advice for building a druid, check out Druid 101. These creatures would include allosaurus, giant boar and giant constrictor snake. “They use the art of Wild Shape, which all druids possess in some form, [???] Circle of the Moon Druid Wild Shapes 2nd Level Circle of the Moon Druid: Maximum CR 1, no flying or swimming creatures: Ape (CR 1/2) – Medium, AC 12, HP 19, Speed 30 ft. climb 30 ft., Athletics +5, Perception +3, Passive Perception 13, Multiattack, Melee Weapon Attack +5, Fist, Ranged Weapon Attack +5, Rock. Finally, at level 8, I get a flying creature at 1 CR. Check out the other guides in the Class 101 series, like the broad overview of the druid class in Druid 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Channeling Nature’s Might, and Druid 101: Circle of the Land. It's quite useful to be able to cast a spell such as entangle and be able to maintain it even after going into a beast form. The Druid pin does just this. Rage and Wild Shape can overlap, so your combat beast forms suddenly become a lot more effective. And then, a flash of light. And it doesn’t really have to excel, because the Druid as a base class is very functional and works well, so subclasses don’t have to carry as much weight. Also note that Mobile has three effects only one of which is directly related to movement speed. In other words, I’ll be shifting to creatures with a CR of 2 and growing from there. As a 1st-level druid, you know two cantrips and can prepare a number of 1st-level spells equal to 1 + your Wisdom modifier. :P It'd be even better if it suggested some go-to Wild Shape options. 3. Since you can use this feature twice per short rest, most druids will be able to stay in beast form at almost all times during combat. Therefore, an optimized build should focus on Wisdom. Therefore, an interesting character build should blend wisdom with ferocity. Given the context, I assume this should be "lightning". In Dungeons and Dragons 5e, the druid class is divided between those who focus on elemental spells (Circle of the Land) and those who transform into beasts (Circle of the Moon). Overcome your foes’ resistance to nonmagical damage while in Wild Shape. Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians of the wilds. PDF & .xml! All levels are featured! Because I’m on the naked side, barkskin (AC at least 16) is a solid candidate. Later on, able to … A druidic focus can also be used to cast spells, perhaps a strange branch, tooth or river stone. I had the opportunity to play a Tortle Moon Druid in a ToA campaign and I had a blast with it. Even though they don’t offer a Wisdom bonus, the Dexterity bonus would give me feral speed to my shifting. Many druids come from a hermit or outlander background, and live in relative isolation in the wild places of the world. The rules do actually say that if you lose a feat's prerequisite then you can't use the feat until you regain the prerequisite. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. You can read all of the Circle of the Moon features in the Player’s Handbook. Nevertheless, when playing a druid, I like to have a typical spell list that my druid always has prepared—unless I specifically choose otherwise. According to the section in the PHB on wild shape "You retain the benefit of any features from your class, race, or other source and can use them if the new form is physically capable of doing so." If you allow it and your Druidariam wants to take animal totem, you might think about a compromise where they only get the benefit of certain rage mechanics while wild shaped as that animal. Unfortunately, the incredible staying power that Circle of the Moon druids possess at low levels drops off as they grow in level. Wisdom should be your highest score. At level 4, the ability upgrades to creatures with swimming and a ½ CR. Now, we get to the fun stuff. Animal friendship only seems fitting, and speak with animals as well, for that matter. The wheel, or circle, is divided into eight segments, representing Inspiration, Children, Learning, Lovers, Expression, Family, Recollection, and Ancestors. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid. I totally agree about the concentration! But not all druids are the same. This is the complete Druid. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. If you’re playing a Circle of the Moon druid, you should choose a race that grants you a bonus to Wisdom, like a wood elf or hill dwarf. Circle. As usual, your character’s background is up to you. Other examples include a dire wolf, tiger, brown bear, giant toad, lion and a giant octopus. Along with this mystical item, I’ll have an herbalism kit and understand the druidic language. You combine the utility of a caster with the brute force of a melee fighter, although you generally can’t do … To aid in this, all concentration spells on this list are listed as such. It's a lot harder to make this type of druid feel the pain of combat compared to the other members of the party. When I choose this circle, I get a shortcut to creatures with a CR rating of 1. In summary, your subclass features allow you to: At low levels, the Circle of the Moon allows druids to absorb incredible amounts of damage using their Wild Shape feature. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. I like to use racial features as a basis for how I play the druid. Nevertheless it's still an option to keep in mind, especially given the amount of powerful concentration spells the druid has. I assume you're talking combat, specifically (correct me if I'm wrong). A great write up as always! Since you’re a melee fighter while in Wild Shape, you can take this feat to become a powerful defender. Xanathar’s Guide to Everything contains a page of useful suggestions to help DMs adjudicate what beasts a druid may have seen at the start of a campaign, and you can keep track of the additional beasts you’ve seen over the course of play. Moonbeam (2d10 radiant) is an obvious damage dealer that sticks around on the field. You may have to ask your DM to include interesting beasts in their campaign so that you can transform into them. Way back in that Twitter thread, I talked about the function of totems as 4e magic items.I suggested that they could be intended for druids, especially the Circle of the Moon, and might boost the stats of lower-CR Wild Shapes, so that if shapeshifting to a wolf or panther is your preferred style, you’re not missing out on the much better hit points and attacks of higher-CR shapes. Try to choose one spell labeled SUPPORT and two labeled UTILITY. The druid—now in a beast form with a wingspan over thirty feet wide and a beak longer than her humanoid form was tall—soared over the salt flats. Their order gathers under the full moon to share news and trade warnings. The Druids of the Moon are a group of druids found at the Temple of Elune in Val'sharah, and at Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore if the player is a druid. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid. Cure wounds (heal 1d8 +Wis) seems obvious, for me and my allies. Remember; you can only transform into beasts that you’ve seen. Barkskin into Brown Bear. I also recommend war caster as a feat! Once you’ve increased your Wisdom score to 20 (its maximum value), or even just to 18 (a pretty good value), you may want to choose a feat. Your druid’s environment is described in chapter 1 of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and you can choose from any of the options listed. It's been said quite a bit, but not here: Circle of the Moon is the best class for characters who have suboptimal rolled stats. Both of these races already have a natural connection to the land itself, and thematically match the class, making them a perfect fit! An example would be a giant eagle. This would be a wolf, giant frog, panther, giant badger and other creatures with no swim or flying ability. Using Wild Shape to provide massive health barriers and choosing forms that lock enemies down, the Moon Circle is by far the best Wild Shaper. You can revert earlier by using a … At level 2, I learn Wild Shape—my shapeshifting ability. When a Circle of the Moon druid gains the Wild Shape feature at 2nd level, they gain the ability to transform into beasts with a challenge rating of 1 or lower. Check out the following link: it has a massive breakdown of all beasts from a wild shape perspective, and grades them! However, I like to add Dexterity as a second choice for its all-around benefit. Moon druids gain these Circle Spells at the following levels: 3rd level: consecration (new spell, see below), moonbeam 5th level: magic circle, moonblade (new spell, see below) Secondly, I would choose mending or druidcraft for something useful during the story. Selecting EQUIPMENT when building a 1st-level druid will make your life easier, as most druids don’t have to worry too much about what equipment they carry. Fortunately, your spell selection is more important to your continued survival than your equipment selection, so just choose whatever tools you think would be useful. But seriously, an allosaurus? Sharpen your claws and practice your roar; it’s time to learn about the druidic Circle of the Moon. Even then, if you’re forced to rely on your humanoid form, you still have the spellcasting power of a druid to help you and your party. Mobile. The Circle of the Moon draws upon the magical and transformative powers of the moon itself to allow druids to take on powerful forms. Circles (Subclasses) The Druid draws their powers from different sources depending on the Druid Circle they act in the name of. They do so in their own unique way. At first, I’ll be able to shift into land-dwelling creatures of ¼ CR. Four of the segments are for solar observances, and four are lunar. In Dungeons and Dragons 5e, the druid class is divided between those who focus on elemental spells (Circle of the Land) and those who transform into beasts (Circle of the Moon). While in Wild Shape, you adopt the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores of the creature you transform into. They use the art of Wild Shape, which all druids possess in some form, has been made into a weapon by these druids, who use the ferocity of beasts rather than the power of magic to defend the natural world. I’m not going to crunch the numbers too much on this, but a level two Circle of the Moon druid, who might naturally have 17 hit points, could easily access 222 extra hit points during the course of an adventuring day, by Wild Shaping six times into a dire wolf with 37 hit … Circle Spells . This feat goes a long way. The curse of Lycanthropy is a fate feared by many who take to nature. Druidcraft is another good first choice, since it lets you perform all manner of minor, “druid-y” tricks. It's difficult to compare Moon Druids against other casters, since it can't cast during its signature form. The druid gains access to four subclass features at 2nd, 6th, 10th, and 14th level. They appear to be led by Isoraen Nightstar. 20th level circle of the moon druids are broken. The moon shone overhead, bathing the druid in its silvery light. “But…” Without finishing her thought, the druid took off running. You can cast spells and transform as a bonus action infinite times. Nevertheless, choosing a race that improves your Dexterity and Constitution isn’t a bad thing—there will be times in your adventuring career that you find yourself in combat with all your Wild Shape uses exhausted, so you can only rely on your own Armor Class and hit points to survive. Silence reigned. Druid - Circle of the Moon Build. The only challenge here is that Moon Druids tend to need quick access to higher CR beasts to stay combt relevant, and dipping into fighter does slow that down. They haunt the deepest parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on end before crossing paths with another humanoid creature, let alone another druid. Perhaps you were a street urchin who fled from the streets of Waterdeep and were saved by a druidic master and taken to the heart of the High Forest where you were trained in the druidic arts—or so on. Produce flame is a good choice, since it can serve as both offense and utility. She opened her enormous beak and released a shrill, shuddering cry into the evening air. You can prepare any 1st-level spells from the druid spell list, but you can use this list of suggested spells to prepare an all-purpose spell loadout that will serve you in most circumstances. I think the DM has to plan ahead in terms of how to challenge a level 20 druid in combat, but that's probably true of all level 20 characters. If I can make plants grow and bend to my will, I could pull off some creative options. Finally, though your Thousand Forms feature is a strange and surprising one, oddly disconnected from the other features of this largely combat-focused subclass, it’s a welcome boon in social situations. As mentioned in the article the class starts off with incredible staying power, but drops off in the higher levels. ©2020 D&D Beyond | All Rights Reserved | Powered by Fandom Games. If you want more advice for building a druid, check out Druid 101. And even if you do come close to running out of Wild Shape uses, you can you can burn spell slots to heal 1d8 damage per spell slot, so damage doesn’t knock you out of beast form. There is always the drawback of slower spell and Wild Shape progression but I think it's definitely worth considering, especially if you want to go full Kung Fu Panda! A character who tugs on her braid in annoyance? Observant. The Summar Solstice, for example, is well known for being associated with Stonehenge. James Haeck is the lead writer for D&D Beyond, the co-author of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus, and the Critical Role Tal'Dorei Campaign Setting, a member of the Guild Adepts, and a freelance writer for Wizards of the Coast, the D&D Adventurers League, and other RPG companies. She strode across the salt flats, tasting the frigid air as it scoured the cracked ground beneath her feet. I could have used this a month or two ago when I started playing my Moon druid :P It'd be even better if it suggested some go-to Wild Shape options. Learn what makes stories pop through pop culture examples and create better mysteries and adventures with your friends. Likewise, races with bonuses you can assign to any trait, such as a variant human or a half-elf, also allow you to allocate your ability score bonuses as you see fit, while also letting you get some other useful traits, too, like extra skill proficiencies. Note that all of these feats still apply to you while you’re using your Wild Shape. As primal and tough as this druid is, I’m gonna keep that inner nature nerd alive. Choosing an Ability Score Increase lets you increase one ability score by +2 (such as increasing your Wisdom score from 16 to 18) or increase two ability scores by +1 (like increasing your Wisdom from 15 to 16 and your Constitution score from 13 to 14). Perception, Survival, Insight and Animal Handling are multifaceted skill checks that rely on Wisdom—and you’re the person that dominates these rolls! The moon reflected off of the shimmering feathers on the back of her wings, and her beady eyes scanned the plains. My dire wolf form can not only bite you, but it can menace you at the same time, or allow a friend to sneak in behind you. You can take one level to get the bonuses from rage or take three to get a subclass. Like a cleric, you have your entire class spell list available to you whenever you prepare spells at the start of the day. She stopped and slowly looked all around, seeing nothing but flat earth around her, and the tiny silhouettes of mountains encircling the plains in all directions. Ah you beat me to it, Thrack! Genre Bomb is built to be your source for tabletop role playing game reviews, guides, and free adventures. Anyway, great article! Firstly, Druids of the circle are able to Wild Shape as a bonus action rather than a full action, allowing it to be accessed much more flexibly. He lives in Seattle, Washington with his fiancée Hannah and their animal companions Mei and Marzipan. Great article as always. Since Wisdom is your key ability score, this +1 can help. On top of this, you’ll want a solid Initiative bonus to shapeshift before a baddy hits you. Maybe try a human as well for their versatility and bonus feat. Blue: Fantastic options, often essential to the function of your character. Throwing one down before becoming an animal and then keeping up while in best shape is really helpful! Circle of Moon druids are amazing at lower levels, decent at higher ones, but once you have infinite wild shapes, the class is broken. Sling could be useful for pushing enemies 10 feet away in a 20-foot radius while I shift Battlemaster combo., 10th, and I intend to use other forms in order to get the bonuses from or... A Tortle Moon druid experience from this list, so your combat beast forms make use. Friendship only seems fitting, and live in relative isolation in the Wild places of the Lycan be... Their versatility and bonus feat or useful options that only apply in rare circumstances be for! T offer a Wisdom bonus, the Dexterity bonus would give me feral speed to my,. T offer a Wisdom bonus, the incredible staying power, but it does what it out... 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